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Contact the About the Montessori Teacher Education Institute of Atlanta
The Montessori Teacher Education of Institute Atlanta has two locations. The main campus is located in the heart of Buckhead in Atlanta at 480 Pharr Road, Atlanta GA 30305. This location is where we host the courses for Infant Toddler and Early Childhood. The second (where Elementary is hosted) is at Harbour Oaks Montessori located at 1741 Atlanta Hwy, Grayson, GA 30017.
Both locations are free-standing buildings with free parking.
Main Campus, Early Childhood and Infant & Toddler Programs
MTEI of Atlanta
Location: 480 Pharr Rd Atlanta, GA 30305 information@montessoriteachered.com
Mailing Address:
443 E. Paces Ferry Rd | Atlanta GA, 30305
Snellville Campus, Elementary I and Elementary I-II Programs
Harbour Oaks Montessori |1741 Atlanta Hwy, Grayson, GA 30017